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Exporting Powered by:
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Are you ready to become a global brand...
then you need an Export Plan!

The NH Export Accelerator merges educational sessions and one-on-one business and export advising to help you build your Export Plan. Guest speakers and the combined resources of the U.S. Commercial Service (USCS), the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), the State of NH’s Office of International Commerce (OIC), and the NH Small Business Development Center (SBDC) will help you grow your export sales and enhance your global success.

Not only will you develop an Export Plan specifically designed for your company, you will be prepared to apply for an SBA STEP (State Trade Expansion Program) grant through the OIC and you will receive an Export Ready Business Certification at the end of the program.

Participants will become SBDC and OIC clients, and benefit from individual advising and coaching from SBDC, OIC, USCS, SBA, and members of the NH District Export Council (DEC). Our export specialists will provide confidential counseling, training, and customized research to help you evaluate your business operations with global sales in mind. We will help you create an Export Plan that prioritizes key markets, identifies financing, and helps you take advantage of international opportunities.

The NH Export Accelerator is open to all companies who want to develop an Export Plan, however, it is geared toward companies that export or plan to export goods or services that are made in the United States (of U.S. origin or with at least 51% U.S. content). To be eligible for the STEP grant and other federal services, a company must export U.S. goods or services. For more information, review this guide to STEP qualifications.


The NH Export Accelerator can help you explore
growth strategies through exporting.


As a participant in the NH Export Accelerator program you will attend five training sessions (one in person and four online), and access individualized SBDC business advising and OIC export coaching. You will walk away with a completed Export Plan, be prepared to apply for a STEP grant, and receive an Export Ready Business Certification at an in-person graduation celebration.

Thanks to SBA's STEP grant,  we are able to keep the fee to $150 per business. Each participating business will be allowed to bring up to two participants.


Registration for the NH Export Accelerator Spring/Summer 2024 is closed.
Click on the button to add your name to the waiting list for the next Accelerator cohort.


Accelerate Your Global Success Now! 

Session One - May 23

The World is Open for Your Business: Designing an 
Export Strategy and International Marketing 
Presenter: Kyla Brustin, NH SBDC Export Certified Business Advisor
2-hour in-person session in Concord, NH

Session Two - June 6

Export Advice: Leveraging Federal and State 
Resources and Pitfalls to Avoid

Presenter: Justin Oslowski, Director, NH U.S. Commercial Service
90-minute webinar

Session Three - June 20

International Methods of Exporting and Channel 
Partner Options

Presenter: Alan Dillingham, International Trade Officer, OIC
90-minute webinar

Session Four - July 12

Finding Qualified Buyers and Avoiding 
Financial Risk

Presenter: Tuesday Perkins, Lender Relations Specialist, U.S. SBA, NH District Office
90-minute webinar


Session Five - July 18

Preparing Your Product for Export and Engaging 
the International Marketplace (Next Steps)

Presenter: Adam Boltik, International Trade Resource Manager, OIC
90-minute webinar

Session Six - TBD

Export Plan Presentations and
Graduation Celebration
In-person at TBD

Why export?

Small businesses may be in a strong position to expand into international markets. Diversifying your customer base can strengthen your bottom line, build resiliency, and enhance your competitiveness. According to the International Trade Administration, here are a few reasons to pursue export sales:  

  • Demand and Profitability. More than 95 percent of the world’s consumers are outside of the United States. Your competitors are increasing their global market share, and you can too, no matter what size your business is. On average, sales grow faster, more jobs are created, and employees earn more than in non-exporting firms.
  • Access and Resources. Exporting is achievable, even for the smallest businesses, with the internet, improved logistics channels, free trade agreements, eCommerce, and the available export assistance through our federal and state resources team.
  • Competitive Advantage. The United States is known worldwide for high quality, innovative goods and services, customer service, and sound business practices.
  • Risk Mitigation. Most companies that export have an easier time riding out fluctuations in the U.S. economy, and are more likely to be resilient and stay in business.

Exports are an important and rapidly expanding part of New Hampshire’s economic prosperity. New Hampshire sells a variety of products to all corners of the world, exporting a total of more than $7 billion worth of goods in 2022. Overall, nearly 2,500 companies in New Hampshire export to overseas markets, with international trade supporting over 182,000 jobs in the state. US Global Leadership Coalition